Prof. dr. ir. Henri E. Bal, MAE
Vrije Universiteit, Faculty of Sciences
Dept. of Computer Science, Computer Systems section
High Performance Distributed Computing group

Please note: due to my retirement in April 2025, I currently do not take on new tasks, like student projects, internships, PhD candidates, reviews, program committees, and PhD committees.


I’m a full professor of Computer Science at the Vrije Universiteit, where I lead the High Performance Distributed Computing group. I also am the head of the Computer Systems section of the Department of Computer Science and former chair of the Science Committee of the department. I am Honorary Member (and former Scientific Director) of the ASCI research school, Member of the  Academia Europeana and winner of the Euro-Par 2014 Achievement Award. I have been Program Chair of CCGrid and HPDC and PC member of numerous conferences, see my conferences page.
Mailing address:
Faculty of Sciences
Dept. of Computer Science
Vrije Universiteit
De Boelelaan 1111
1081 HV Amsterdam The Netherlands


See the  High Performance Distributed Computing group for details on my research, past and current projects, and software systems like Orca, Ibis, and Swan.


For publications, see VU research portal or Google scholar


I am the coordinator of the Distributed ASCI Supercomputer (DAS) infrastructure of the ASCI research school



  • Programming Large-scale Parallel Systems and Practicum Parallel Programming have now been taken over by Francesc Verdugo


The Awari work of John Romein and me has been selected in Pickover’s math book (and in its Dutch translation ) as one of 250 milestones in the history of mathematics


My CV is here
